WeLl I dEcIdEd To FiNaLlY tO jOiN tHe CrOwD aNd MaKe a BlOg!! We DoN't HaVe VeRy MaNy ExCiTiNg ThInGs tO sAy So I hOpE yOu WiLl AlL bEaR wItH uS!
It'S aLmOsT ChRiStmaS tiMe aND I aM vErY ExCiteD tO haVe sOmE tIme OFF fROM wOrk!!
BeN Is wOrKing VeRy HaRd On HiS nEw DeAlErShIp He aNd HiS fRiEnD DaNiEl StArTeD. We ArE bOtH eXcItEd To hAvE sOmE qUaLiTy TiMe ToGeTheR oVeR tHiS bReAk!
Here is a little "diddy" of what has been going on with Ben and Aimee Sims:
We recently sold our house in West Haven and moved in with Aimee's parents in South Ogden. Ben decided to venture out on his own and start up his own car dealership! Aimee is very proud of ben and all his hard work, it gets stressful at times but all we can do is wait and pray that we will be blessed!! Aime recently got a new job also; she is working at a Brokerage company called SilverLeaf Realty, it's a great job and best of all...INSURANCE!! yay! We are both extremely busy with jobs and family parties but we are gratefull for all our many blessings.
I am still getting the hang of things for this "blogging stuff" so I will post some fun pics and make things a little more interesting. But for now ..thats all!
Hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Yay for you! Isn't it so much fun!!
Glad you got into the blogging business. We need to hang out some time.
P.S. I love this song!! Apologize by One Republic!
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